New York Yankees scout (Albert Brooks) gets sent down to Mexico on a grudge trip where he finds Steve Nebraska (Brendan). He takes him back to NYC, after a bidding war, Steve ends up being a Yankee anyway, but they require a psychologists note before he can play. He manages to get one somehow. The Scout makes a deal that Steve would pitch the 1st game if the Yankees make it to the World Series.

My Review
The plot is far fetched, true, but the movie itself really isn't that bad if you can get past the obvious things that would never happen. It's a comedy, has some funny parts in it. Unfortunately the general consensus with this one seems to be that they hurried the ending, sort of brushing past Steve's problems, but overall it is amusing.

Fave Quote

"Last night I watched a game played by 4 men, 2 women, a child, and a goat at 3rd base!" ~Al Percolo (something like that anyway...he he!)

Fave Scene
When Steve and Al go to see Tony Bennet.

Quotable Brendan
"I mean, Tony Bennett is a hepcat. He's a hit all over again now. But Steve actually thinks he can sing well, even though he's off-key. Steve loves to sing."