Adam Webber has spent his entire 35 years of life in a fallout shelter because his parents mistakenly think a plane crash is "the big one". The locks open, his father has a stress attack of some sort and Adam has to go up for supplies and hopefully a wife and if she's from Pasadena, all the better!
I saw this movie once in the theater and was pleasantly surprised. Christopher Walken tends to scare me just on sight, but he's extremely funny in this. Best character has to be Troy (Dave Foley), he's just hilarious. Overall this movie is a fun watch.
Fave Quote
"I HAVE to go to the bathroom!" ~Troy
Fave Scene
Adam grows up instantly while helping Eve with her scraped knee.
Quotable Brendan
"If anything, `Blast From the Past' highlighted one of my favorite notions: That we are at our best when we bring out the best in other people."